Since the commencement of Full Package Marketing in 2019, Laura Cush has been on a quest to get inside the mind of every business she works with. With a philosophy predicated on curiosity and assimilation, she endeavors to seek out the truest understanding of a business’s methods and mentality, in an unyielding desire to improve the bottom line.
Watching her father grow a highly successful enterprise during childhood resulted in keen admiration for bold, risk-taking and resolute entrepreneurs. Likening herself to a dog with a bone, she dissects every detail, analyses every avenue and has a stalwart approach to finding solutions. She utilises her adaptability, sensibility and unquenchable thirst for knowledge to make as much of an impact on a person’s business as they do.
Laura holds a qualification from the Digital Marketing Institute, with a special emphasis on social media advertising and website design. She has worked for, and developed relationships with, a range of personal businesses and entities, that include food and beverage suppliers, boutique retailers, and health and beauty providers.
Through persistent, evolutionary learning she has successfully helped clients advance their digital presence and outreach, more than they may have previously thought possible. She can readily assist with every corner of the digital marketing sphere, from website design and branding, through to social media, campaign and email marketing.
Watching her father grow a highly successful enterprise during childhood resulted in keen admiration for bold, risk-taking and resolute entrepreneurs. Likening herself to a dog with a bone, she dissects every detail, analyses every avenue and has a stalwart approach to finding solutions. She utilises her adaptability, sensibility and unquenchable thirst for knowledge to make as much of an impact on a person’s business as they do.
Laura holds a qualification from the Digital Marketing Institute, with a special emphasis on social media advertising and website design. She has worked for, and developed relationships with, a range of personal businesses and entities, that include food and beverage suppliers, boutique retailers, and health and beauty providers.
Through persistent, evolutionary learning she has successfully helped clients advance their digital presence and outreach, more than they may have previously thought possible. She can readily assist with every corner of the digital marketing sphere, from website design and branding, through to social media, campaign and email marketing.